Friday, April 30, 2010

Why Do So Many Teens Get Involved in Boy-Girl Relationships? (Part 9)

Okay!! So we're on to part 9.. (I can't wait to move on to the next subject)... :)

The next reason is that they are looking for long-term commitment. But not marriage. In most cases, this is because they are serious... but they do not have marriage in mind at the moment. I believe that this is a really good reason for getting into a relationship. It is when he/she is really interested in a long-term relationship and not playing around. Relationships based on this reason would be good learning experiences. Many individuals, including me, have gone through these kind of relationships and come out with a good experience and something that they would never forget or/and regret.

This is a really simple reason because, most of the time, it turns out with good outcomes. Either they do get married in the end, or they both realize that they are not meant for each other and split with good memories and no regrets. However, there are always those cases where it ends badly. As they say, "The longer the relationship, the more painful it will feel when it ends". Or at least I say that. I believe that when nearing those situations, both parties should try their best to be as objective as they can about when handling it. Looking at it as a good learning experience rather then broken hearts would help. Life would never be the same if one goes through such long-term relationships. By long-term, I mean at least 1 plus years.

In the end, it is up to each individual on how they look at it. One can choose to be either positive, or negative. Choosing whether to be optimistic or not would alter results and emotions drastically. Relationships can be learning experiences. They are not everything. You won't die because of one. Take a deep breath, count to ten, and see that life can be beautiful without him/her. There's someone special out there for you. Just wait and see. ;)

"Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed"
- Storm Jameson

take care,

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